
Background of the GI Support Fund

Last update: 24 November 2021

The GI Support Fund is implemented within the framework of the Trade Capacity Building Program (PRCC). Implemented since 2002, the PRCC is the only French grant program for aid for trade. Co-funded equally by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and implemented by AFD, it contributes to the two priorities of aid for trade agreed upon in the WTO framework: improving the export capacities of developing countries (DCs), and in particular the least developed countries (LDCs), and strengthening their negotiating capacities.

The program’s priority theme for 2021-2024 is the quality approach, which covers certifications, particularly fair trade and geographical indications. Cirad is the main partner for implementing actions relating to the quality approach in the agricultural sector. Cirad has therefore been designated by the two Ministries mentioned above to manage the GI Support Fund and provide support for the implementation of the selected projects. Cirad is in particular responsible for providing technical support for the development and implementation of projects, and for coordinating all the local and international technical assistance provided for each project. 

The geographical scope of the PRCC and the GI Support Fund is as follows:

  • A minimum of 60% of its commitments on LDCs,
  • 80% on sub-Saharan Africa
  • The remaining 20% will cover several continents, in particular the the Africa, Caribbean Pacific region by prioritising fragile and vulnerable economies (in particular those which have been most impacted by health crises including Covid-19).

Last update: 24 November 2021